Sídlo: Suľany 243, 951 25 Hruboňovo, Slovenská republika Uvod / Kontakt na RD-RSRD, zzpo / Kontaktný formulár
(odporúčané znenie textu umiestneného v zmluve)
„All disputes arising from this contract, including disputes over its validity, interpretation, or termination, change of legal status, including the cases of claiming compensation for damages against a statutory representative of a company under the Commercial Code shall be submitted for resolving to an arbitrator of the Royal Development court of arbitration (i.e. a designated legal entity of the ROYAL DEVELOPMENT – RSRD, association of legal entities), or an ad hoc arbitrator Ing. Miloš Valach, or an ad hoc arbitrator Zuzana Valachová, based on the agreement of contractual parties on the method of designating an arbitrator. The choice of arbitrator shall be left up to the complainant or a selected legal entity. Arbitration shall be conducted under the Rules of Arbitration of the RSRD - ad hoc arbitrators (including specification of arbitration fees and laying down the procedure of arbitration), which are available at www.royaldevelopment.sk. The parties shall defer to the decision of the competent arbitrator, which shall be binding and unalterable for the parties. Pursuant to the Act No. 244/2002 Coll., parties designate a selected legal entity ROYAL DEVELOPMENT – RSRD, association of legal entities under the Act No. 244/2002 Coll. Section 6(3) and Section 8 (1),(2a). Documents in relation to bringing a legal action should be delivered to the following address: Suľany 243, 951 25 Hruboňovo, Slovak Republic.